Contextual advertising
is a powerful tool for attracting target customers through search engines and advertising networks. With the agency FirstGenius you will receive professional services for setting up and maintaining contextual advertising, which will allow your business to quickly enter new markets and increase sales.
Advantages of contextual advertising
Wide coverage
Search engine visitors, as well as millions of potential clients in Yandex YAN and Google KMS.
Flexible settings
The ability to precisely target your target audience: interest, geography, time of display, audience packages, look-a-like, ...
Managed Cost
You know exactly the cost per contact with a client (CPC) and the cost per target action (CPL, CPA) and manage them.
Launch speed
Applications from clients already on the day of launch.
Boosting SEO promotion
According to research by Yandex and Google, up to 85% of traffic cannot be returned by disabling contextual advertising during SEO promotion.
Any scale
It doesn’t matter how many products or services you have: 1 or 100,000, the advertising campaign will be equally effective.
We provide a full range of contextual advertising services
  • Search advertising is ads that are shown to users in response to their search queries.
  • YAN - advertising on websites based on the interests and behavior of website visitors.
  • Display advertising is advertising on partner sites that helps reach a wide audience.
  • Product campaigns -  advertising of products on Yandex.Market with the ability to dynamically update information.
  • Retargeting is  bringing back users who have previously visited your site using personalized ads.
How can you save money?
The cost of services for setting up contextual advertising depends on many factors, some of which the customer can influence, for example:
  • adjustment of the list of search queries*;
  • revision / reduction of display regions*;
  • reduction of the volume of work / change of tariff plan for maintenance;
  • set max budget for a month;
  • display time limitation: only during working hours, only from 9:00 to 12:00, etc.;
  • Do you want to place contextual advertising on your website yourself? In this case, you can take advantage of our special offer .
Tariffs and cost of contextual advertising
We offer various tariff plans adapted to your business budget. You can choose the best option depending on your goals and volume of work.
from 290€/month
Recommended for budgets up to 1500€
Effective strategy
for attracting customers
from 450€/month
Recommended for budgets from 1500€
Savings of 25% compared to the minimum tariff
Stages of work on setting up
1. Conclusion of the contract
2. Analysis of customer needs
3. Selection of tools for the client's tasks
4. Collection of information
5. Analysis and suggestions
6. Developing a strategy
7. Launching a campaign
8. Working with departed users
9. Working with key indicators
10. Analysis and suggestions